This is a unique and magnificent collection of photographs of Manchester City FC from the early 1900s up until just before the Millennium selected from the Daily Mirror’s extensive archive. Capturing the very essence of this famous old club and its supporters When Football Was Football harks back to a bygone era when life – and the game – seemed much simpler. From the club’s glory years and numerous cup triumphs to kids on the street having a knockabout outside Maine Road – this is a pictorial book like no other sprinkled with rarely-told stories and tales of how a small amateur football club became one of the game’s major powers. But this isn’t page after page of images you’ve seen a dozen times before. This book is a rich tapestry of people players and experiences good bad or otherwise. In stark contrast to today’s carefully controlled environment top footballer’s operate within there are pictures of the Blues’ first team training on a wet car park before the Manchester derby Bert Trautmann signing an autograph on a deserted London street and shots of the people who really made this club – its magnificent supporters. Black and white images from decades ago glorious colour photos from the sixties and seventies and beyond this is a book every City fan simply must own.
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