Today drones are increasingly used for commercial and private enthusiast use as well as for well-documented military operations. There is now a wide variety of 'ready-to-fly' drones and self-build kits available to suit all pockets and purposes. This extensively illustrated practical manual takes a brief look at the origins and history of unmanned aircraft and drones before explaining the various types of drones available today and their applications along with a comprehensive guide to selecting the best components and equipment to suit a wide range of requirements. Three step-by-step example drone builds are provided – both fixed-wing and rotary-wing – to enable readers to build a bespoke drone to suit their own requirements. There is also a comprehensive guide to learning to fly a drone with information on legislation and how and where to operate a drone safely. An essential guide for anyone contemplating owning or building a drone. Build Your Own Drone Manual feature - learn more see inside view illustrations.
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